A Report Of A Visit To A Cave Near Climax, KY
The First Trip Report From Climax Cave?
Source: The October 23, 1898 edition of the Mount Vernon Signal Newspaper - Kentucky
On Sunday of the Baptist Association here we in company with Revs Mr Henry Clark, of Waco Ky, E.B. Bartlett of Manse Ky and 40 or 50 others armed themselves with lanterns and matches and went to see the other end of what is known as the old Andy Fletcher cave; so named because of this gentleman having made a saltpeter there in 1809 and 1812 for the war of 1812. When we reached the cave our party being clad in their Sunday dress, hesitated, and some like Lot's wife, turned back. About twenty went into the cave with Willis Johnson as guide. When about 200 feet from the entrance the interior becomes very large and our anxious eyes were all a stare and not noticing Rev Barlett who had preceeded our guide was seated on a pillar of salt; and when the cry was made as to where was Lots wife, Bro B. replied; "Here the old sister is" and upon looking saw him seated upon the stone which is white sand stone and bears the resemblance of a woman, her head and arms being knocked off by curiosity seekers. Her physique being perfect with these exceptions. At this point all of the party turned back but three. The next thing of interest was an elevated plateau of bout 6 feet high surrounded by a walk 6 feet wide. This table was about 50 feet long, and upon it was a beautiful pool of water about 10 feet in area. This pool is constructed like the pool of Siloam. Leaving this we next come to the main entrance and upon examination we found perfect ox tracks made there in 1812. Next we come to the torn down walls...toweres of Morro, bringing to my mind a slight representation of said castle after the bombardment. There were many other sights of interest but have not time to mention.
Here are other tidbits from the same edition of the newspaper:
I will sell you a 5-bu barrel of Michigan salt for $1.25.
Good cut shingles at $1.35 per thousand; sawed shingles $1.50 delivered on switch or loaded on cars. A.E. Albright, Brodhead, Ky
Wanted..to trade Corbin property for a second hand saw mill outfit. Address, D.T. Chestnut, Corbin, Ky
Geo Johnson the merchant prince at Orlando is in Louisville this week buying another car of goods. He wants all those who owe him to come in and settle.
John Jones who has been very low with fever is some better.
Uncle Dicky Smith has sold his farm to Dvaid Hysinger for $300.
Judge Colyer attended Squire Sigman's court at Wildie last week
Solomon Riddle of the West End is giving his house a coat of paint.