Renfro Valley Bugle
Volume 20 – Number 10

June 1967

Cave Pilgrimage

Following an old custom of other days a group of people between the ages of nine and sixty-four visited the Great Saltpetre Cave on horseback not long ago. There were fourteen riders in the party and according to Paul Griffin, who took the above snapshot, their names were as follows; Clarence Lakes, Henry C. Martin, Joe Martin, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Martin, Martin Cox, Miss Peggie Cox, Andy Cox, Junior Cox, Noel Pigg, Cecil Humphry, David Hammond, Norman Whitmore and Miss Dian Whitmore.

Years ago when the only way to get to the cave was over a narrow path through the woods visitors living beyond walking distance could reach it only by horse back. Later a rough wagon road was opened to it and neighborhood groups could make the trip by farm wagon, buggy or sled. It was customary for them to spend most of one day getting to the cave. They generally stayed overnight, sleeping inside the cave if the weather was bad or out under the stars, weather permitting, and going home the next day. Sometimes these groups would be made up of as many as ten or fifteen families. Mangy more were in attendance when revival services, lodge meetings or dances were being held inside the cave.

Scanning and OCR work done by Andy Niekamp


Article Courtesy of Renfro Valley Entertainment Center

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